One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Serve Others With Christlike Compassion.

了解信仰与身体和思想的交集,以解决个人的身体和情感需求. 具备通过医疗保健和心理学改善人们生活所需的知识和技能. 走上一条有回报的道路,将激情、目标和职业发展结合起来.

Pursue your vocational calling in allied health and psychology.
  Explore Outstanding degree Programs  

Choose Your Area of Study in 盟军的健康 and 心理学

Professor and students inspecting human skeleton.

盟军的健康 – Undergraduate

Pursue a career in human performance or healthcare. You will be prepared to work in a variety of exercise, 休闲, 教育, 和治疗环境,让你学会以基督的心服事你的病人.


Patient hooked up to electronic monitoring.

心理学 – Undergraduate

你是否热衷于在心理、社会和行为健康领域为他人服务? 透过圣经的镜头研究人性,装备自己在心理学领域为基督发光. 



Students working with digital health care equipment.

盟军的健康 – Graduate

Impact lives for Christ as an 体育教练 or 医师助理. 在斯德维尔, 你将接受一流的培训,准备通过特殊的护理和基督般的同情心来改变你的病人的生活.


School of 盟军的健康 and 心理学 Quick Facts

  • 439 Undergraduate and Graduate Students
  • 96.7% Job/Grad School Placement
  • 6 学位课程
  • 26 教员


Clinical setting with patient's legs being treated.student 体育教练 treating athlete.Professor providing practical healthcare instruction.


Cedarville将健康和心理学结合起来的方法是建立在这样一个信念之上的:每个人都是上帝按照他的形象创造的——但是因为罪而与他分离,需要一位救主. As you’re taught to bring physical or mental healing to a patient, 你就会认识到,你能提供的最大帮助是通过耶稣基督的救赎.


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


盟军的健康 – Undergraduate

Serve Christ in exercise, sport, or health-related fields.

沙巴体育的联合健康学位课程将为您提供许多健康和人力绩效职业. With Scripture as the foundation of your study, 你将学会以基督的心服事你的病人,并以良好的身体管理来荣耀神.

“I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to him, and the blessings fall down on me.”

— Gabby Douglas - Professional Gymnast and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist

心理学 – Undergraduate 


沙巴体育的心理学课程将教你通过圣经的视角批判性地思考跨越年龄和文化的人类行为. 你将学习如何将符合圣经的心理学原理与日常生活联系起来,并为各种工作做好准备, ultimately readying you to minister effectively to others.

心理学 Concentrations

*Also offered as a minor

"For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."

- 1 Tim. 4:8

盟军的健康 – Graduate

Achieve licensure to serve as a healthcare professional.

沙巴体育的研究生联合健康学位课程提供卓越的教学和现实世界, 实践经验,将装备你作为一个称职的基督教从业者. 你将带着你所需要的技巧和理解,以基督的思想和心灵来治疗整个病人.

"The aim of medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life; the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician."

——威廉·J. Mayo, physician and one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic

Leadership - School of 盟军的健康 and 心理学


迈克尔年代. 韦勒,埃德,AT


“联合健康与心理学院的使命是准备和发展医疗保健提供者,他们将耶稣基督的福音带到各自的患者群体中. 从从事体力活动的人到需要各种形式身心保健服务的病人, our graduates are prepared to meet the ever-growing needs of our world. 我们的学生被训练提供称职和富有同情心的照顾,这源于圣经的世界观,我们认为别人的需要比我们自己的更重要. 我们正在寻找想要成为基督为中心的医疗保健提供者的学生成为我们学校的一部分."

——迈克尔·S. 韦勒,埃德,AT