One Thousand Days Transformed - 的 Campaign for Cedarville

Build on Your Gifts and Uncover New Solutions.

激发你的热情去发现上帝的世界是如何运作的,并通过发展你的思想来帮助别人. 严格的课程学习加上对基督的委身,将使你成为一个仆人,通过神所赐给你的礼物来荣耀神.

Pursue your vocational calling in engineering and 电脑 science.

Explore the School of Engineering and 计算机科学

Professor instructing students in a engineering lab building a wooden structure.


Cedarville的完全认可的专业工程和计算机科学课程将为您提供向世界一流教授学习和指导的机会,同时获得广泛的实践经验. 最终,当你服侍基督的时候,你会努力去掌握你领域的复杂性.


Professor working 与 students in an electronics lab.


现在为学习打下坚实的基础,将为你在雪松维尔开始专注学习时的成功奠定基础. 找出你今天可以做些什么来为你在工程和计算机科学方面的教育做准备.


Small group of students and professors setting up rocket


As you learn new concepts in the classroom, 有很多方法可以让你练习和展示你的知识. Turn what you're learning into practical skills, gain real-world experience 与 your team, and have fun seeing how your designs stack up against others.


School of Engineering and 计算机科学 Quick Facts

你应该在Cedarville大学学习工程或计算机科学的十大理由是什么? 找出!

  • 656 本科生
  • 98.1% 工作/研究生安置
  • 6 学位课程
  • 28 教员

所有的新生都被分配了a 教师顾问 to help you make the most of your 1,000 days.

Female student working 与 electronics gear. 与学生们正在研究一架大型半透明遥控电动螺旋桨飞机.Male student doing metal work using a large milling machine.

Studying Engineering and 计算机科学 From a Distinctly Biblical Worldview

神以错综复杂的方式让世界运转起来,并把每一个华丽的细节连接在一起,这是他永恒荣耀的见证. As a student of engineering and 电脑 science at Cedarville, 你将体验到将你的专业知识与圣经真理相结合的独特喜悦. 你会在处理复杂问题的能力和对神的敬畏中成长, who so magnificently designed the wonders of our world.

It is impossible to rightly view creation 与out rightly viewing the Creator. 在斯德维尔, 你会发现一个校园范围内的承诺,共同成长在我们的父亲的知识. Through coursework that is built on a biblical base and a community that cares deeply, 你寻找复杂问题答案的热情和能力只会增加.

“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”



Stretch your ability to solve complex problems.

Forge ahead in your pursuit of knowledge. Be challenged in the classroom as you seek to discover the inner workings of the world, whether that be the physical or digital world. With the intentional guidance of faculty members, 你将得到个人支持, 专业, and spiritually as you learn what it means to pursue excellence for the glory of God. 当你离开锡达维尔的时候,你会准备好活出上帝对你的呼召,成为一名工程师或计算机科学家.

Also explore the following special programs:

  • 工程合作项目 allows students to work while completing their engineering degree, gaining valuable industrial experience as part of their education.
  • 斯德维尔的 工程荣誉计划 为学生提供挑战和实现他们最高学术潜力的途径. 
Professor instructing 机械 engineering students building a wooden structure.

"给 me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the entire earth."



Take advantage of your time now to jumpstart your future.

通过准备你的大脑学习基本概念,对你的雪松工程或计算机科学经历产生最大的影响. Explore the ways that you can kickstart your readiness for our programs and learn what is needed to get the best education you can.

雪松维尔大学的工程和计算机科学专业要求学生学习微积分. 在学期开始之前, 你将参加微积分准备考试,以帮助你注册适当的课程. 取 在线微积分准备考试 to prepare for the official exam on campus.

了解更多 About 入学要求及准备

Professor working 与 students in an electronics lab.

"Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been."



Put your skills to the test and solve real-world problems.

沙巴体育学习工程学将为你创造机会,沙巴体育你的设计技能,释放你的竞争精神. Experiment 与 high-level concepts on a practical level, 与你的团队合作, and showcase your one-of-a-kind design to the world.

了解更多 About 工程竞赛

Small group of students and professors setting up rocket

"Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them."


Dean – School of Engineering and 计算机科学


Bob Chasnov,博士,体育博士

Dean, School of Engineering and 计算机科学; Senior Professor of Engineering

“在过去的30多年里,能成为沙巴体育工程和计算机科学项目发展的一部分,我感到非常兴奋. I participated in the planning for and construction of our three classroom, 实验室, 还有办公大楼. 在沙巴体育的第一年,我是三个工程学院的一员,现在我有幸领导着30多名工程和计算机科学学院的教职员工. 我最高兴的是我们学生人数的增长,从最初的两个专业的40名学生发展到六个专业的近700名学生. I encourage you to come to Ohio and see what our faculty and students are accomplishing. We pray that you will be inspired to join us!”

- Bob Chasnov,博士,体育博士