One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



在Google Mail中, the “General” tab of the “Settings” page allows you to change a variety of common options, 例如:

  • 一个屏幕上显示多少封电子邮件
  • If email messages with the same subject line are grouped together (conversation view)
  • 你可以用什么星星来标记信息
  • If you want to receive pop-up messages when you receive a new email or chat message

要更改这些选项, first navigate to the “Settings” page in Google Mail following the instructions below. 然后做出任何想要的改变.


  1. 导航到 斯德维尔.edu/google and click the “Mail” link > Log in to Gmail.
  2. From the top right of the screen click the gear-shaped "Settings" icon. 将出现下拉菜单。.
  3. 单击“查看所有设置”.“常规”选项卡将自动打开.
  4. 进行所需的更改. For information on what the settings on this tab do, see “Descriptions of the 'General' tab settings” below.
  5. 点击[保存更改]. 设置将被更改.


The following are the options available on the “General” tab of the “Settings” page. When you make a change to an option, you must click [Save Changes] to change the option.

  • 语言: Choose what 语言 you want Google Mail to display in.
  • Phone numbers: Choose what country code you want Google Mail to use for phone numbers.
  • Maximum page size: Under "Show ## conversations per page", choose how many email messages appear on one page of your main Google Mail screen. 在“每页显示##联系人”下, choose how many contacts appear on one page when you are viewing them.
  • Images: Check "Always display external images" if you want Google to automatically load images within emails. Check "Ask before displaying external images" if you want Google to ask for your permission before loading images within emails (preferred option for slow internet connection or limited mobile data).
  • Default 回复 behavior: Check "Reply" to automatically 回复 to the email sender. Check "Reply All" to automatically 回复 to all email recipients.
  • Default text style: Customize how you want your email body text to appear (font, size, color etc.).
  • Conversation View: Choose whether you want all emails with the same subject to be grouped together (conversation view) or displayed separately. 有关更多信息,请参见 谷歌邮件:关闭对话视图 帮助页面.
  • Send and Archive: Choose to display or hide the "Send & 存档”按钮在电子邮件的顶部. 当你存档一封电子邮件时, Google transfers the email 从你的收件箱 to the "All Mail" folder without deleting it.
  • Undo Send: Check whether or not you want the "Undo Send" option to appear after you send an email. 当您启用“撤消发送," a message will appear at the top of your screen with an "Undo" option each time you send an email. 您还可以设置多长时间 you want this option to be available after you send an email (e.g. 10秒).
  • Stars: Drag and drop 星星/icons between the "In use" and "Not in use" sections. To star an email using your "In use" 星星/icons, 从你的收件箱, click the star icon located to the left of your email message. 要查看更多星星,请继续点击 star icon until you see the star/icon you wish to use.
  • Desktop Notifications: Choose whether you want to receive a pop-up when you receive a new chat message or email while not looking at Google Mail. Note that for this to work, the following must be true (for more information, see the Google Mail: Use Google Mail Desktop Notifications 帮助页面):
    • 您正在使用Google Chrome浏览器.
    • 您已登录Google Mail.
    • You have Google Mail 开放 in a window somewhere.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Turn on the option to use keyboard combinations to accomplish various tasks in Google Mail (for example, 组成, 存档, 开放, 回复, 向前, 和删除). 更多信息请参见 这是谷歌提供的帮助页面.
  • Button labels: Choose whether you want certain buttons in Google Mail to be labeled with icons or text. 有关更多信息,请参见 打开按钮文本 帮助页面.
  • External Content: Choose whether you always want Google Mail to automatically display images in emails you receive from contacts you have sent two or more emails to.
  • Browser connection: You cannot change this option.
  • Stars: Pick what 星星 you want to have available for marking emails. Click and drag to move starts between the “In use:” section and the “Not in use:” section.
  • My picture: Select a picture for people you email to see.
  • People Widget: Choose whether you want information about people involved in an email to display to the right of email when you are viewing it.
  • Create contacts for auto-complete: Choose whether you want Google Mail to save contacts you email so that Google Mail will automatically complete their email address when you email them in the future.
  • Signature: Add a signature to your email messages. 有关更多信息,请参见 谷歌邮件:添加签名 帮助页面.
  • Personal level indicators: Choose whether you want markings to appear next to the following types of email:
  • Email sent to multiple people (this does not include groups, such as a class or course group): A single arrow (>) will appear next to this type of message.
  • Email sent only to you: A double arrow (>>) will appear next to this type of message.
  • Snippets: Choose whether you want a preview of the body of the message to show next to each message. 有关更多信息,请参见 谷歌邮件:显示或隐藏片段 帮助页面.

关键词:google设置, 关闭会话视图, 星星, 语言, 最大页面大小, 最大页面大小, 标签, 我的设置, 填写邮箱地址, 预览信息, 预览窗格, 假期规则, 假期规则, 桌面通知, 弹出提醒, 弹出
