

每年, Cedarville University honors alumni who are impacting their world for Jesus Christ in the following categories - Alumnus of the Year, 年度杰出青年校友, 以及年度荣誉校友. There are additional awards that are given at various times when appropriate. 受奖人在教堂接受表彰, 在颁奖典礼上, 并且经常被要求对我们的学生群体讲话. 过去几年的获奖者名单如下.




Donna graduated from then-Cedarville College in 1989 with a degree in communication, 重点是广播和戏剧. She thought of the first line for a novel while at Cedarville and realized then that she could see scenes and envision a plot line. After graduation, God called her to write novels with eternal significance.

她的第一部小说, 圣诞鞋, 成为《沙巴体育》和《沙巴体育》的畅销书, and was later turned into the highest-rated TV movie of the year for CBS. It was followed by more novels and six additional television movies for CBS, Lifetime, and Hallmark. 她被要求写里克·赫斯德的传记, 哥伦比亚号航天飞机的指挥官, 以及一本名为《沙巴体育》的个人回忆录.

最近, Donna felt an urgency to write a three-part series of books that were three-fourths novel and one-fourth biblical teaching about the End Times. 耶稣告诉我们要“仰望”,因为“我们的救赎近了”,唐娜想鼓励她的读者成为一个向上的人. 这导致了一个名为“事情正在好转”的有限系列播客.她将在3月份出版一本新的非小说类书籍,名为《 寻找上帝:在一个虚幻的世界里寻找真爱, for people who know that deep down they are searching for something to fill the void.

唐娜赢得了 Retailer's Choice Award for Fiction, a Dove Award, a Silver Angel Award, two Audie Awards 最佳励志小说,被提名为 年度金奖图书 并且是一名入选者 俄亥俄州独立学院基金会卓越大厅.

还有她的作品, 唐娜有一个活跃的演讲事工, 无论是图书会议还是女性活动. 她接受了信仰女性的采访, 非凡的女人, 朋友间会议, and the prestigious Patricia Adams Lecture Series at Heidelberg University. 

多娜很感激她在沙巴体育的教育. 在戏剧和广播之间, she learned not only how to talk in front of people but how to take a piece of work and edit it, 对于一个作家来说,什么是最重要的. Cedarville also prepared her to be set apart by integrity, character, humility, and work ethic. Theater and forensics taught her to always be ready, show up prepared, and know your role.

唐娜遇到了她的丈夫, 特洛伊, 在Cedarville我的广播课上的第一天, 他们已经结婚33年了. They have three children: Two daughters from China, Gracie and Kate, and son David from Guatemala. 他们看起来不太像, but God grafted them together as family and they are a reflection of Him!

Meredith (Wood) Docena


Meredith (Wood) Docena has been selected as the Young Alumna of the Year.

Meredith graduated from Cedarville University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work. She was blessed to participate on short-term missions trips to the 菲律宾 all four years she was a student, but it was one trip in particular that changed the trajectory of her life and ministry.

在她大二之前的那个夏天在菲律宾, 她遇到了三个衣衫褴褛、没穿鞋的街头男孩, 饥肠辘辘,乞求食物. She watched as each ate three plates of food and was heartbroken as they went back to the streets. It was then that God began stirring in her heart to open a home for neglected children in the 菲律宾. 

回到校园后, she followed God’s leading and stepped out in faith to begin the work of founding Obed's House 部门 in General Santos City, 菲律宾. 朋友和家人鼓励她分享自己的故事, 然后圣灵起了作用, 带来她需要的资金. 2014年开工建设, and Obed’s House officially opened in July 2015 with Meredith as its Executive Director. 事工的重点是“教导和培养被忽视的人”, street and abandoned children of General Santos City to truly love and serve our Savior Jesus Christ," and its mission is to "fulfill the great commission by providing a loving family atmosphere for neglected children." Since its opening, Obed’s has had the opportunity to care for over 60 children.

Meredith credits her Cedarville coursework in both psychology and social work for preparing her for her work with abandoned and neglected children, and she is especially thankful that her education was built on a biblical worldview.

梅雷迪思的丈夫, 艾弗里, 在俄比得之家和她一起服务, 他们有两个女儿, 米娅和泰根.

For her obedience to God’s calling and sacrificial work sharing the love of Christ with abandoned and neglected children in General Santos City, 菲律宾.



查尔斯和安妮塔·彼得森 have been selected as the Honorary 校友 of the Year.

Chuck is president of Petersen Engineering, and the couple lives in Franklin, Tennessee. They are active members of a thriving church plant, Redemption City Church.

Chuck and Anita first heard about Cedarville when touring teams from the university visited their church in California years ago. Encouraged by Cedarville’s commitment to stand For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Chuck and Anita began to learn more about this university in the cornfields of southwest Ohio. 多年以后, Charles was a member of Cedarville’s Board of Trustees from 2017 to 2023, 还有他们的三个女儿, 瑞秋, 莎拉, 和阿比盖尔, 是校友. 和, they are passionate about Cedarville’s biblically faithful education and supporting students through scholarships.

Chuck and Anita first heard about Cedarville when touring teams from the university visited their church in California years ago. Encouraged by Cedarville’s commitment to stand For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Chuck and Anita began to learn more about this university in the cornfields of southwest Ohio. 多年以后, Charles was a member of Cedarville’s Board of Trustees from 2017 to 2023, 还有他们的三个女儿, 瑞秋, 莎拉, 和阿比盖尔, 是校友. 和, they are passionate about Cedarville’s biblically faithful education and supporting students through scholarships.

In 2004, the Petersens established the Christian Education Scholarship to provide financial assistance to education majors who plan to teach in Christian elementary or secondary schools. 一旦土木工程项目建立, they created a scholarship for civil engineers who plan to use their degree for missions. The Petersens have provided scholarship support to more than 200 students since the establishment of the scholarships, hosting their scholarship recipients each year for dinner so that they can listen to their stories and encourage them in their studies.

The Petersens consider giving to Cedarville one of the best investments you can make. They love helping develop young men and women into strong disciples who bring light in the darkness wherever God leads them after graduation.